Shield 5-a-side Football Tournament 2018

January 26th saw the return of last year’s popular Shield 5-a-side Football Tournament. Eleven teams battled head to head playing a total of 53 games over the afternoon. Teams congregated at 1pm for a sharp 2pm kick off at the Goals Bristol South Centre.
Teams came from far and wide across Shield Environmental Services to take part in the day, we had Cornwall, Exeter, Bristol, Warrington, Birmingham, London and Southampton branches play as well as teams from the Electrical, Fire & Security and Business Development divisions and Sword also joined us for the day.
With such a large group, two leagues were arranged, with two semi finals being played: BD team vs Bristol and Exeter vs Southampton. Bristol and Exeter were victorious and faced each other in a final game. It has been reported that the standard of the football was higher than last year and the matches were enjoyable to watch.
The winners and runners up were presented with medals and their triumph was photographed. The event ended in an evening of entertainment for the teams. And the worthy winners of the football match? This year, it was Exeter who won 7/7 matches.
Congratulations to everyone who took part, a fantastic performance and a good bit of healthy competition! We have had good feedback from branch operatives and we are looking to arrange another tournament next year.