SES sponsors Yate Gymnastics club who are part of the lottery funded Olympic Legacy

Shield are in support of the Yate International Gymnastics Centre and has provided a donation to help support the continued work that the club does for the local area and it’s young people. The centre has been open for over 6 months and the gym club for over 30 years which has attracted lots of interest from the local community and parents.
The centre was transformed from a former bowls and summer sports hall that was only being used for half of the year into a state of the art complex for budding gymnasts. The new centre has won support from the South Gloucestershire Council and Circadin Trust.
The centre is not only for gymnastics but offers a range of other activities include Parkour / Free Running, Cheerleading, Parents and Kids Gym and a multi-sensory area for children with special needs and learning difficulties.
When speaking with Mark the club’s Manager he said “The club has gone from strength to strength and it is proof that the Places, People, Play legacy programme left by the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics is working. The club is busy every night and there is never a dull moment, that’s not to say there isn’t room for more people who would like to get involved”.
Mark went on to say “We even have a floor square which was used at the 2012 Olympic Games donated to us and is now being used by our members. We have everyone from beginners to competition and elite squad training at our centre”.
The gymnasium is an impressive 45 Meters by 23 Meters in size which is fully equipped with all of the gymnastics equipment you would come to expect from a centre offering a high level facility.