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Project Of The Year Success For Shield Asbestos Services

Shield’s Cardiff Branch Secures Project Of The Year Win At British Asbestos Awards

On a glittering evening at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, Shield Asbestos Services, a part of Shield Services Group, won Project Of The Year for its works at Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil.

A team from Shield Asbestos Services, led by divisional MD, Paul Lillis and Operations Director for Wales, Barry Lewis, was in attendance to receive the award for Asebstos Removal works carried out on behalf of main contractor, Tilbury Douglas and the client Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.

Barry Lewis commented, “This is a wonderful win for all of the team at the Cardiff office, and is a great and fair reflection of all of the hard work that has gone into this challenging project. We’ve developed a strong and progressive relationship with the team at Tilbury Douglas, which is core to us achieving the desired success for the Health Board.”

Organised and Hosted by Ben Chambers and the team from Global News Media Ltd, the owners of Abestos Hub, the awards were judged by a select panel of asbestos industry specialists including mr. dr. Yvonne WatermanWayne Bagnall MBE and Craig Evans,

Paul Lillis reflected, “I am delighted for all of the team members in Cardiff and across our whole Asbestos Services division, who all work collaboratively to drive our performance levels and standards onwards and upwards. In a challenging industry, this award acknowledges our position as a leader who can be relied on to form strong progressive working relationships with main contractors.”

The hospital remained fully operational throughout the duration of the contracted works, which brought its own set of challenges. As well as having to work around other on-site trades and the close proximity of members of the public throughout the works, the logistical location of works was limited to both ground and upper floors of the hospital. This affected the transiting of operatives, movement of materials from work areas and other such tasks which had to be meticulously planned to minimise disruption to all parties. Shift patterns were also modified at strategic phases and points of the works, to minimise disruption to the surrounding areas and to hospital staff and patients.

Luke House, Chairman of Shield Services Group, commented, “I am over the moon for our Asbestos Services division.  As a Group, we have won a number of awards over the past few years, but it is the asbestos division which forms such a strong backbone to the group, around which everything else can be built.  My thanks to the judging panel and congratulations to all of the members of the team at our Cardiff branch.”

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