New Government Asbestos Advice for Schools

New advice has been published by the government very recently in February 2017 for asbestos management in schools, this updates the previous document from 2015. This advice takes the form of two documents, one concerning the management of asbestos in schools, the other covers guidance as to where asbestos may be located in schools. The documents are aimed at duty holders, staff and others working in schools. Main points suggested include:
1. Have a ‘management survey’ of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in your school
2. Assess the risks associated with ACMs in your school
3. Devise a plan for managing asbestos in your school
4. Make sure staff, visitors and contractors know the risks and precautions they need to take
5. Keep the management of asbestos in your school under review
The second document looks at detailed examples of types of asbestos and includes photographs of how asbestos may have been used in schools.
To read the documents in full, click here.