Gold for Constructionline and RoSPA 2018

We haven’t been awarded just one successful Gold accreditation, but two! At the end of May we were awarded Gold for both RoSPA and Constructionline accreditations.
RoSPA stands for The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, it is the creator of the internationally-renowned RoSPA Health & Safety Awards, the longest-running industry awards scheme in the UK. According to their website: ‘Following a public meeting in Caxton Hall in 1916 it was decided to elect a London “Safety First” Council to tackle the “alarming increase in traffic accidents, and the direct connection therewith of the restricted street lighting which had been necessitated by the War conditions”. So began the organisation which was to become the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.’ Today, the website continues: ‘RoSPA has been quietly working behind the scenes to change both legislation and attitudes surrounding accidents. From the compulsory wearing of seatbelts and the campaign to stop drink driving, to the Cycling Proficiency Test and to the more recent ban on handheld mobile phones behind the wheel.’
Every year we submit a questionnaire to RoSPA who verify the application to see how we qualify. The questionnaire requires careful attention and evidence. This is the 8th time we have been awarded Gold. Our Technical Director commented: “We’re extremely proud to have received RoSPA’s Gold Award for the 8th time, however, we are particularly proud to have been given the award this year as the criteria required by RoSPA have become increasingly extensive and continued improvement from contractors’ Health & Safety management systems is crucial. RoSPA’s standards continue to develop and so it means that much more; for an external body to recognise our focus, our efforts and the priority we give to improving the safety, health and wellbeing of our employees is significant. With the award being tougher to achieve, it shows we are not complacent, but continuing to improve for our clients and the benefit of our people, year in, year out.”
Additionally, we have also achieved a Tier 3 – Gold accreditation from Constructionline. To achieve the accreditation, Constructionline look at the standard of our Health & Safety in our procedures and processes, as well as additional criteria specifically for Tier 3, including a higher level of supporting evidence, sections on Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Environmental Management, Quality Management and Building Information Modelling, Modern Slavery and Enhanced Health & Safety.
For more information about RoSPA and Constructionline, visit the RoSPA website and the Constructionline website.