Fraser Harris Represents Shield Marine And The South West At TICA Competition

Shield Apprentice Selected By TICA To Demonstrate Skill At National Event
Fraser Harris, an apprentice in our Shield Marine division was approached by Lynne Lambe at TICA, to represent both Shield and the South West Region at an open-door event at TICA headquarters in Darlington.
The event, held on the 7th of March, featured product demonstrations, the apprentice skills competition and an afternoon programme of manufacturer-led CPD
Fraser was selected to compete against nine other apprentices, chosen from a total of one hundred from around the country. Fraser was partnered with Khye, an apprentice from a Bristol-based insulation company for the event. Whilst they did not win the overall event, they made a great effort and were rewarded with a £50 Amazon voucher.
Lee Harris, who works as a SHEQ representative and full-time supervisor in our Falmouth branch, is Fraser’s father and attended with him for moral support.
Martin Emmett, Marine Operations Manager in Falmouth, commented, “Fraser has recently completed his TICA course accreditation with flying colours, receiving great feedback on his attitude and quality of work. He is a valuable member of our Marine team in Falmouth. I know he felt it was a great honour to represent Shield and TICA South West.”
A video from the event can be viewed here.
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